Contact us

Systech is here for you. Let us know how we can help.

Request information

General information

US Headquarters: +1 609 395 8400

Europe Headquarters: ##

Sales Inquiries

Global: +1 800 847 7123

Customer support

North America:+1 800 847 7435
South America: +55 11 4349 6269
Europe: +32 2 808 8881

Our offices

Find us at these locations

Global Headquarters

214 Carnegie Center, Suite 101
Princeton, NJ

European Headquarters

Harzstr. 1
64646 Heppenheim

Brazil Office

Dover Do Brasil LTDA
Alameda Araguaia 2104 5º andar – Conj. 51 Alphaville – Barueri – SP 06455-000

France Office

Markem-Imaje SAS.
16 rue Brillat Savarin
26300 Châteauneuf-sur-Isère – France

Belgium Office

Markem-Imaje N.V.
Jagersdreef 1F
2900 Schoten – Belgium

Spain Office

Markem-Imaje Spain S.A.U.
Avda. Can Fatjó dels Aurons, 9. 2nd Floor
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

About us

Established in 1985, Systech is the leader in providing digital identification and traceability solutions. Our offerings establish essential product data, ensure digital connectivity and enable real-time insights—on the packaging line, throughout the supply chain and into the consumer’s hands.